Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Coupons Whats coupons?????

I have gotten many e-mails regarding how to coupon.. Well Couponing takes practice and practice makes perfect and STILL learn something new almost every trip.. Anyway if you are wanting to start saving your family money and build up a name same store in your home so you are never out of anything then you came to the right place. Where to find coupons??? The Sunday paper.. buy it on Saturday at the dollar tree for 1.00 save 50cents. Or Sam's for 99cents. Print coupons from http://www.coupons.com/. The all you magazine is a MUST MUST have it is sold at Walmart. And really just look in stores and check the packages of items you buy.  Ok now on to ORGANIZING!!

Rule number one you  Have to be organized and try to find a method that works for you.. For example
I use the binder method and once my item is in my cart I throw the coupon in the cart as well. Some think I am crazy... I get ( you don't lose your coupons?) Nope never have. But here are examples of ways to organize your coupons figure out something you can do and stick to it. I have saved my family over 5,000 dollars and the year is not even half over. I also get comments like isn't couponing a headache? Well for me no its my job I make money from my site and I love saving money sooo no its not a headache for me. I mean yesterday I went out and had a truck full and made 52 dollars. Which it was from start to finish two hours of my time but thats like getting paid 51 dollars a hour.. Umm and Headache I think NOT!!

Next how to organize everything you purchase or get free..
This is called STOCKPILING!
Make sure its neat and easy to see everything. So you don't buy more of what you already have
Make sure the kiddos can not get to it.
Here are some pictures

~*Coupon Kadie*~

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